
Unterwirt Hüttn

Unterwirt Hüttn

Caroline Krenn

Hüttn-Telefon: +43 – 699 – 17 19 85 08


Tiefenbachstraße 3
A-9546 Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria

Unterwirt Huabn

Unterwirt Huabn

Familie Ilse und Peter Krenn

Tiefenbachstraße 3
A-9546 Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria

Tel.: +43 – 4240 – 84 72
Fax: +43 – 4240 – 84 72-7


anreise unterwirt Bad Kleinkirchheim

How to get here

By car

  • From Germany / Salzburg: Via Tauernautobahn (Tauern motorway) A 10 up to exit Spittal / Milstätter See (Lake Millstätt) From there, past Lake Millstätt – – Döbriach – Radenthein – St. Peter – up to Bad Kleinkirchheim
  • From Italy / Slowenin: Coming from Villach, take exit Villach-Ossiacher See (Lake Ossiach). From there to Lake Millstätt/Radenthein. When in Radenthein, please follow B88 up to Bad Kleinkirchheim
  • From Vienna / Graz: Via motorway A2 up to Klagenfurt, exit Klagenfurt-Nord, to Feldkirchen / B95 / St. Veit. In Patergassen, turn left and follow B88 up to Bad Kleinkirchheim

By train

Unterwirt-Huabnis about 30 kms away from Spittal an der Drau station, the central station in Villach Villach 34 kms and Klagenfurt about 55 kms away. You are welcome to use our transfer service!

By plane

The nearest airports are: 

  • Klagenfurt: about 54 kms
  • München: about 320 kms